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Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedure

  1. 关于歧视、骚扰或报复的投诉和报告. 在任何情况下,都应鼓励投诉人以书面形式提出投诉. If a complaint is oral, 署长会拟备一份声明,说明其认定的投诉内容,并向投诉人索取证明,证明该声明已充分阐述投诉内容. Consistent with the UI's legal duty to investigate, 主任保留调查和解决歧视投诉或报告的权利, 骚扰, 或报复,无论投诉人是否希望继续投诉. 局长还保留向有关执法官员报告犯罪行为指控的权利. 
  2. 管辖范围内. Prior to initiating an investigation, 局长将初步确定投诉是否属于民权办公室的职权范围 & 调查,我.e., 投诉是否涉及非法歧视的指控, 骚扰, including sexual 骚扰 or retaliation, on the basis of a protected class. 如果局长认为投诉不属于公民权利范围 & 在调查的职权范围内,他/她会酌情转介投诉人.
  3. 冲突管理. FSH 6240 and 6241 extends to relationships between investigators, 信访人提出的, respondents and witnesses involved in investigations. If OCRI becomes aware of a potential conflict, 局长将评估是否可以用冲突管理计划来管理冲突.
  4. Choosing the Appropriate Resolution Process. 投诉人将被告知非正式和正式解决程序的可用性,并被引导到投诉解决程序的网站链接. A printed copy can be provided upon request. 导演, in consultation with 原告, 将决定在每种情况下非正式或正式的解决过程是否合适, based on the particular circumstances of the complaint. 一般, 更为严重和普遍的行为将需要使用正式的决议程序. At any time during the complaint resolution process, 署长可, at his or her discretion, 确定非正式或正式的解决过程更合适,并实施它. 除了, 如果非正式程序未能在合理的时间内解决投诉, 署长可 implement the formal process. 
  5. 保密. 导演 will respect the privacy of 原告, the individuals against whom the complaint is filed, 目击者们, in a manner consistent with its legal obligations to investigate, to take and follow through with appropriate action, 在诉讼过程中遵守发现义务并根据公共记录法披露记录. 局长将建议所有证人和各方保护与其调查有关的事项的机密性, including the fact that an investigation is being conducted. 任何一方违反此保密可能导致纪律处分.
  6. 报复. 导演 will advise all witnesses, 原告, 以及大学政策禁止对善意提出歧视或骚扰投诉或作为证人参与的人进行报复的答辩人. 
  7. Prompt Investigation and Remedial Action. 在所有情况下, 在收到书面投诉或核实口头投诉摘要准确无误后,局长将立即开始调查.. 导演 may prepare an investigation timeline, which may be updated as needed, 并将使各方和主管合理地了解该过程的状态. 只要有可能, investigations and reports should be completed, and results communicated to the parties, within sixty (60) days of the initial complaint. 当认为有必要保护投诉人或证人的人身安全或精神健康时, to prevent disruption of the workplace, or to facilitate the investigation, 导演, 公民权利 & 调查,我n consultation with HRS and 主管, may recommend immediate action, 包括在调查结果出来之前调动或安排员工行政休假. 
  8. 文件:署长将保存有关投诉和调查过程各方面的适当文件. 
  9. 报告. At the conclusion of either the informal or formal process, 局长将拟备一份书面报告,概述有关的事实调查结果, 结论, 和建议. 建议是与主管合作制定的. 如果涉及教师,报告或报告摘要将提交给教务长和执行副校长, the Office of General Counsel, 负责分类和豁免工作人员的人力资源事务助理副总裁, 主管, and the Dean/Unit Head as applicable. 局长还将向当事各方提供报告或报告摘要. 
  10. 对调查结果报告的回应:对局长的事实调查结果提出异议的一方, 结论, 可在报告或报告摘要邮寄或交付给该方之日起十(10)个工作日内向署长提交书面答复. 如果涉及教师,则将回复提交给教务长和执行副校长, the Office of General Counsel, 人力资源助理副总裁,如果涉及豁免或分类人员, 主管, and the Dean or unit head. 署长如认为答复是适当的,可在收到答复后十(10)个工作天内作出书面答复. 希望对具体纪律处分提出上诉的教职员工应参阅《365体育滚球》中的适当申诉程序. 在提交最终书面报告时,将以书面形式告知所有各方其回应和上诉权.

  1. When a complaint is received, 局长和投诉人将审查非正式解决投诉的可能性. 如果署长认为非正式程序是适当的,并得到投诉人的同意, 然后,署长将对投诉进行初步审查,并与投诉人讨论可能的解决方案. 
  2. 署长会将投诉的存在告知被投诉的人,并给予被投诉人作出回应的机会. 
  3. 局长将通过文件审查进行初步事实调查, interviews with the parties, and possibly interviews with witnesses, 主管s and co workers. 面谈的基础是证人对问题提供的具体信息,以及这些信息是原创的还是重复的. 导演 审查s all documentation provided or obtained. 
  4. 导演 may act as a facilitator to help resolve complaints, 或者可以要求其他大学办公室或工作人员协助. Such informal resolution may include speaking with the respondent, the respondent's 主管, or the parties together. 
  5. 非正式解决可以通过双方同意或通过主管或单位经理批准的其他补救措施来实现, including but not limited to mandatory training, 一封道歉信, separation of the parties, or disciplinary action.

The Office of 公民权利 & 调查处对无法通过非正式协商解决的歧视指控进行全面调查, 审查, 或推荐. OCRI acts as a neutral fact finder. Based on the Office of 公民权利 & 调查' investigation, 导演 makes determinations of policy violations, 和5月, in consultation with 主管 and others, make recommendations to address violations. 所有正式投诉必须按照本政策以书面形式提交给署长. Formal investigations generally follow the procedures outlined below; however, 署长保留酌情权,可因应个别情况更改这些程序. 

  1. Within 10 days of receipt of a written complaint, 署长会与投诉人会面,讨论有关指控, explain the informal resolution option, the formal investigation process, the principles and limitations of confidentiality, and to collect preliminary data. 校长也会告知投诉人他或她有权在大学以外的地方提出投诉, to the state and federal agencies listed below. 在调查进行期间,大学也可以作出临时安排,将双方分开.
  2. Based on a 审查 of the complaint, 提供/收集的所有文件以及与投诉人或其他人的面谈, 局长将决定指控和初步事实调查结果是否值得进行正式调查. If a formal investigation is warranted, 局长将通知被投诉人和相应的部门经理,投诉已经提交,并将进行调查. 如果一项或多项指控和/或初步事实调查结果表明,投诉并未说明违反政策,或者由其他大学办公室处理更为合适, 署长会将投诉的该部分转介有关办事处. 
  3. 署长将向投诉人提供书面确认书,确认所调查的指控, 如果适用的话, which allegations 导演, has referred to another office. 署长会在调查过程中告知投诉人他或她的责任, 如下所述. 
  4. 署长将立即以书面通知答辩人有关指控, OCRI’s role in a formal investigation, and the principles and limitations of confidentiality. 署长会在调查过程中告知答辩人他或她的责任, 如下所述. 被投诉人必须在收到投诉通知后的10个工作日内对投诉作出书面回应. 
  5. 导演, 或其指定人员(统称“调查人员”)将与投诉人面谈, the respondent and others with relevant information. 调查人员将根据每个证人对问题提供的具体资料,以及这些资料是原创的还是重复的,与个人进行面谈. 调查人员将审查在调查期间提供和获得的所有文件. In determining whether University policy has been violated, 调查人员将考虑有关指控的所有事实和情况, including the perceptions of the parties, 证人和其他掌握是否存在被指控行为信息的人. . Investigators may make credibility determinations. 
  6. 如果调查人员认为没有足够的依据得出违反政策的结论, this will conclude the University's investigation. 然而, 适当的部门经理应该处理不违反政策的行为, 但被认为对单位或大学的福祉有害. 
  7. 监事应当负责执行调查人员的建议, 与人力资源服务或其他大学办公室协商, 适当的, 确保遵守学校的政策和/或合同义务. 廉政公署会进行适当的监督,并在必要时跟进. 纠正或纪律处分可能包括但不限于:强制教育, oral and/or written reprimand, removal of 主管y responsibilities, 降级, transfer or reassignment, 减薪, 拒绝加薪, termination or other corrective actions 适当的. 
  8. 所有报告副本, 决定, 训斥, 和/或任何大学办公室或官员就调查所涉及的事项作出的其他决议, or corrective action or resolution, should be forwarded to 导演 to ensure proper follow-up.

这些程序适用于所有关于非法歧视的投诉, 骚扰, including sexual 骚扰, 以及所谓的行凶者是365滚球官网员工的报复行为, contractor or volunteer. 对365滚球官网学生的投诉由学生主任办公室与民权办公室主任协商后进行调查 & 调查.

Student Code of Conduct

These procedures include general policies and procedures, which apply to all investigations and the following complaint resolution options: (1) informal resolution; or (2) formal complaint investigation. Throughout these procedures, 主管, 系主任, 迪安, 教员和单位经理统称为“主管”."


530 S Asbury Street, Suite 5
莫斯科,ID 83843

530 S Asbury Street, Suite 5
莫斯科,ID 83843

